Information for Practical Plus Katana:
he Practical Plus Katana provides a very economical cutting sword as dependable as the Practical Katana (SH1070), but using more traditional fittings and construction methods. The blade is forged and differentially hardened in the traditional claying method with a prominent hamon. The Practical Plus features genuine Same (Rayskin) on the Tsuka, with a wrap (Tsuka-Ito) specially developed for its gripping qualities. The long tang is double-pegged for security. The fittings of the Practical Plus are decorated in a Japanese Dogwood motif with lion dog menuki, and the handsome Tsuba is of an iron “sunburst” design with a brass habaki.
Materials used: Hand-forged high-carbon steel blade
Overall length: 102.8cm
Blade length: 69.2cm
Hilt length: 31.1cm
Weight: 1133g